Friday 14 December 2012

Lago Titicaca

I started the group trip in Lima, from which we flew to Puno and visited Lake Titicaca--the world´s largest high altitude lake.  First we visited the floating islands which is where the Aymari people live--not wanting to be conquered by the Incas, they fled to the lake and created islands out of reeds.  Every 3 months the entire island is replaced by new reedws (gradually over 3 months), with up to 3 families living on each island.

We then visited Taquile Island, and went to a peninsula to do a homestay.  We got to dress up in the Aymari traditional costumes and learn their dances.

In the morning we had to help our host families with their chores--first we shepparded sheep in the field to graze, and then we spent a few hours hoeing potatoes.

Me and my host family.

I jumped into Lake Titicaca.  It was FREEZING!

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