Monday 3 December 2012

Peru! (Lima, Ica, Huacachina)

mmmm ceviche.  I could just eat it and eat it forever.  Lima has amazing food.

The view of the coast of Lima from Miraflores.  Quite a pretty place, but not much to do.  I went to a couple museums, but they were all quite small, and wandered around the downtown a bit as well.  I was just in the biggest city in the americas though, so maybe the comparison is a bit harsh.

So the state of the homes in these suburbs up the mountain are awful, many don´t even have running water.  But it looks really cool to see all the colourful huts going up the mountain.

I left Lima to go to Huacachina for a couple days--it´s a tiny oasis in the middle of the desert just next to the town of Ica.

We went sandboarding down the dunes after being driven around the desert in a dunebuggy by a crazy person.  It was really fun/slightly terrifying, but I emerged with only a few bruises.

I´m leaving for Cusco and Puno tomorrow where I´m going to do a homestay on Lake Titicaca, and then hike the Inca Trail up Machu Picchu!

Check out an automatically updated map of where I am--
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