Sunday 22 December 2013

December in DF

I finally got my IFE (voter ID card).  Well I didn’t actually get the card, but I got approved for the card, and on the 23rd it will be ready for pick up.  Once I have my IFE I can get into museums for free on Sundays, and open a bank account other than an “express” account, and get my passport, and get my social security number for free healthcare and stuff.  Finally!  They make you jump through hoops to get stuff here, and there are so many services in Mexico you can’t access without you IFE.  So yay!

Los maestros de primaria 

I also got an apartment!  I don’t move in until January, but it’s BEAUTIFUL!  My friend lives there now, but he’s moving to Guadalajara at the end of the month, so I’m going to take his room.  His roommate had a party, so I went to it to meet her and she was super nice, and said that the other roommate is leaving as well and there’s going to be a French exchange student living with us.
My Secret Santa present with my Secret Santa!

So I have my IFE, an apartment, and…3 jobs?  Yea, I’m not quite sure how that happened, but now on top of working at the school and the private classes outside of school, I’m also working on an iPad app.  Miriam had been doing it back in Toronto and recommended me to the people for more work.  It’s actually pretty cool, the app has all these different children’s books, and the kids can touch anything in the illustration, and a label will come up saying what it is (table, girl, window, etc.).  So my job is to go through each page of the books and highlight and label everything.  It’s kinda boring, but I can sit outside where there’s wifi and work on it, and it’s fairly simple, so more money for travelling! Yay!
The grade 3/4 Spanish teacher taking a swing at the piñata

December at school has been full of interruptions with the kids practicing for the Christmas play and doing other Christmas activities (because you’re allowed to celebrate Christmas at school in a Catholic country).  The students from preparatoria put on a Christmas play about a church group putting on a nativity play, and they had the kids from primaria sing various songs throughout.  They were so adorable!  My kids did Silent Night, and then the Justin Bieber version of “Santa Claus is Comin to Town,” and I even choreographed a little dance to it for them, which was super cute.  The final week of classes half my grade 3s were away, so it was super calm.  We had to make a piñata with each class for the posada, and then the kids had to make presents and cards to give their parents.  And the kids that were in dance or theatre were constantly being pulled from class to rehearse for their end-of-the-year show.  So I was essentially a babysitter for the last week of classes.  On the final day we had a big pic-nic/potluck, and then the posada, which is a Mexican Christmas tradition.  First you sing some traditional posada songs, and then you get to break open the piñata! All the kids were very excited that it was my very first posada.  Also during the last week, there was a lunch for all the teachers, and we all exchanged our secret santa presents.  The grade 5/6 English teacher had me, and gave me this beautiful handmade shawl from Oaxaca!
El Zócalo all lit up for Christmas!

Outside of school, has been pretty quiet…I went out to celebrate one of the teacher’s birthdays one night, and then one day I went and saw the final fútbol match of the season at a bar.  The team my Mexican friends were cheering for lost to Léon.  Aside from that just getting super stoked for Christmas vacations!

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