Monday 2 December 2013

Exploring Mexico State (19-24 Nov)

There are so many things I don’t understand about Mexico. Like how there are not more half-blind women. Seriously though, they all take the time during their morning commute to do their makeup, and they apply mascara on a moving, lurching subway train. How have more of them not poked their eyes out?? And they all have black eyelashes to begin with, I don’t understand the necessity. Also, they use like half a bottle with each application. On the rare occasions I do use mascara, it’s about 2 swipes on each eye and I’m done in about 30 seconds…they will literally be going back and forth between each eye for a good 5 stops before they move onto their lips.  And using lipliner on a moving train seems like almost as bad an idea is poking a wand of black goo super close to your eye.

Also, little girls here have dyed hair and wear makeup.  And not like dressup makeup, or temporary pink streaks.  Like full on faces of makeup and highlights in their hair.  It’s kinda creepy.  I haven’t seen this on any of the kids at school, but I have on the street.  At school, the kids have to their dress uniforms on Mondays, and all the little girls have these adorable little bows in their hair.  And some of their hairdos are really intense!  Like all gelled back…it’s pretty crazy!

Last weekend I went with the guys I met in Guanajuato and some of their friends to this little farm type place and we had a BBQ there! They were all super nice, and at one point this old lady came by where we were.  We had climbed under a fence to get there, so we thought she was going to get mad at us, but then she just started chatting and joined us for our BBQ! We made her some tacos, and she gave us some chilacayote, to throw on the grills. She was super stoked that I was from Canada…I was the first Canadian she had ever met! And since it was starting to rain a bit she said I had to come back and see her village on a day with nicer weather… so sweet! Although it drizzled a bit, it was still like 15 degrees yet they were all dressed like they were ready for snow! I was in shorts and a tanktop, and Fer, one of Jonathon’s friends, was wearing a toque and winter coat!!

After we got back to the city we headed to a bar where I tried pulque! It’s this thick drink made from cactus and it was pretty good. And then we went to a mezcalería for some mezcal which was also delicious!

I’m still apartment hunting…I really want the hostel manager’s apartment (he moves next week), but it’s a two bedroom, so I need to find a roommate if I want to take it. It’s walking distance to one of the only 2 public pools in the entire city, super close to 2 metro stops, and has a market on the street just outside every week!  But everyone that’s considered taking it with me hasn’t been able to commit L

Work is good, everyone is super friendly, and my Spanish is improving a ton!  There are still soo many museums I want to check out here, and so many cities I want to visit while I’m here…and I can’t wait to travel around during Christmas!!

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