Tuesday 3 December 2013

Real Mexican (25 nov- 1 dec)

I had the best week!  I had my first private English class with a woman who is the head of HR at a company.  I've been hired to do some extra classes on the side by this Canadian guy who owns a language school, so it was cool to have my first one.  He's going to try to get me more classes in the new year when more kids sign up, but he's giving me anything that comes up now which is nice.  The lady was super nice, and it was a conversation class, so it was pretty chills.  I swung by the hostel afterwards for the BBQ night and got to see all my friends there which was really nice.  Friday was a PD day so I only had to go in for 4 hours which was great.  I also learned never to wear shorts in Mexico City.  They weren't even that short!  But I had to deal with so many creepy catcalls...never again.  After our meetings the teachers learned a dance that we have to perform at the Christmas pageant...I'm not really sure why the teachers have to dance in it, but it was fun (if a bit ridiculous).  Afterwards I went out with all the teachers to a mall nearby for some ice cream, and it was really cool to get to know them better outside of class.  They're all so sweet!
That night I went to check out an apartment, and initially I thought it was the prefect location, because it was walking distance to 4 different metro lines!  So after seeing the apartment I asked if it was safe to walk the 4 blocks from the metro home alone at night and they were like "definitely not. You need to take a cab," and then I was like uuuuh ok, well I'm just gonna take the trolebus now (the stop was half a block away), and the guys were like "yea...we'll walk you there."  So I definitely don't want to live in a place where I can't even walk half a block alone at night safely...pretty sketch.

My friend Steve that I met when I was staying at the hostel had left DF and then come back, so I went out to Condesa to meet up with him and a Swedish guy later, and it was really fun!  Saturday I became a true Mexican...I went to a pulqueria.  My friend Jonathon said I HAD to go experience one since I had never been, so we rolled up to this old building with saloon type swing doors and walked into this place filled with old Mexican men.  There was one table of young guys, but I was the only female in the entire place.  So we each ordered our pulque, and then when they brought it to our table we each got a 1 litre jar!  And this stuff is really heavy--it's like a meal!  So that was a surprise.  And then one of the old guys was like "Come here you have to have a taco with us!  It's tradition!"  And then they all had to cheers me and they all applauded for me when I left.  It was pretty funny/ridiculous.  We then headed to the south of the city to a bar to try some Mexican specialty called Pedo de Gorila (Gorilla's fart).  And then we went all the way up north to go to apparently the tacqueria with the best guacamole in the city.  So now I'm like a Mexico City pro.

Sunday I checked out an apartment that I love.  My friend is moving to Guadalajara at the end of December, and he said I could take his room if I want it.  The apartment is so beautiful, and there's a market across the street and a panaderia and tortilleria next to it!  and the kitchen and bathroom were decorated with hand painted tiles, and there's roof top access!  I want to live there right now haha.  After that I met up with Steve again in Coyoacan and walked around.  It's so cute there!  It doesn't even feel like you're in Mexico City...it's like it's own little town in the south of this massive city.  Lenin came and found me there and then we went to this open air cinema thing which was super cool!  It was a German art house film with Spanish subtitles, but I still managed to understand most of it, so that was encouraging!

There's seriously so many things to do in this city, you would never run out of things to do even if you spent your whole life here.  It's insane! and awesome!

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