Tuesday 1 May 2018

T-Minus 4 Weeks

I'm resurrecting my blog.  But this time, instead of detailing my adventures through Latin America, I will be sharing my cycling adventure across Canada.

This summer I am planning on spending 7 weeks biking from Toronto to St. John's.  I've never done a cycle tour before, and my round-trip commute to work each day is only 13 km, so this will be a very new experience for me.

My plan is to spend 51 days on the road, and cycle approximately 3,500 km along the way, having rest days in most of the major cities. I'll be stopping in each province's capital city, and will be checking out a number of national and provincial parks.

I am set to depart exactly 4 weeks from today, so I am spending all my free time taking bike maintenance courses, acquiring all the gear I will need, pouring over other cyclists' blogs for tips, and nailing down my itinerary (which I'm sure will change along the way).

Stay tuned for updates!

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