Sunday 11 November 2012

Izquierda, derecha, y a derecho

The 3 most useful words that we used today.  Went to Xochimilco today with a girl from England, a guy from Australia, and a guy from Austria to go in the canals.  After a train, a tram, and a local bus we finally made it to the area, but walked around for a couple hours before actually finding the quay.  It was like bumper cars in the canal, with other boats coming by selling food, beer, and souvenirs.  You could even hire a Mariachi band to jump onto your boat and play a song. On the way back the bus we were on broke down; we were about to jump ship when it finally started working again at which point the driver started blasting reggae beats for the entire almost hour long ride back to the metro...definitely the party bus.

Last night we ended up going to the monument of the revolucion for a free concert, but we got there just as it ended.  We talked to some protestors there about their cause--they were camped out underneath the monument because apparently the elections in July were corrupt, and they're demanding a new one.  Atfer this we went to an all night Mariachi festival, did some salsa in a mariachi bar, and talked to a Mariachi guy in the Giraldi square for a bit.

The night before this we ended up going to Mexican wrestling (lucha libre), and it was hilarious!

The tickets were only 35 pesos and you could get 2 beers for 50 pesos, so we had a great time.  There was randomly a midget in costume that didn't wrestle but just got thrown in at the end.
 The rules didn't make too much sense, as sometimes it was 1on1 sometimes 3on3, but it was still great to watch.

I also yesterday went to the museo anthropologico and ended up spending over 6 hours there!  It's massive, and really interesting; made me want to go to the pyramids, but I'm leaving for Cuernavaca tomorrow, so maybe I'll come back to Mexico city a bit early to check out Teotihuacan.

The previous day I went with the crazy austrian bee farmer, an italian, a guy from Holland, and an American to the Zoo in Chapultopec.  The german phrase for school of fish is "oodle de schvaron"

Also saw the ceremony of taking down the huge flag by the military in the Zocalo today, it was a pretty cool site.

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