Tuesday 6 November 2012

My bags are packed...

This is my blog to keep you all updated on my travels through Mexico and South America!  I'll try to post pictures and update it semi-regularly.  I'm super stoked--I'm leaving tomorrow morning for Mexico City, and will be getting in at 13:37!  I'm pretty flexible with my plans, but after 3 weeks in Mexico, I'm going to fly down to Lima, and do a "V" of the continent--Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Brazil.  Some cool things I'll be doing down there is hiking Machu Picchu, taking a ferry through the Chilean Fjords, taking the steam train express through Patagonia, celebrating Carnival in Rio, and cruising the Amazon River!  I'll be sure to take tons of photos while I'm gone, and while I may be missing the people I'm leaving behind, I most definitely will not be missing the weather.  See you in 4 months!

1 comment:

  1. Ah! So exciting! I can't wait to read all about it. Take lots of pictures. Miss you lady. xox
