Tuesday 13 November 2012

The City of my Birth

I got into Cuernavaca yesterday and will be heading off to Oaxaca tomorrow.  It´s a beautiful place, and I´m really happy that I came, but 2 days was definitely enough.  There is greenery everywhere and gorgeous flowering trees on every corner, but a lot of the beauty is hidden behind walls, as the majority of properties are surrounded by tall fences or are in gated communities.

I was staying with a family friend in a huge house on a beautiful property that seemed to go on forever.  It was really warm and Zocalo was nice--there always seemed to be people hanging out there.  I went to a cool museum that talked about the history of the colonization, independence, and revolution in Mexico; I saw a few pretty churches; and I wandered about the market for a bit today.

Yesterday I went to one of the pyramids, and then walked around downtown with Erna Dis and her son.  It´s a nice place to relax...definitely not as bustling as Mexico City.  I´m excited to see Oaxaca tomorrow, which has the biggest population of indigenous people in the country!

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