Friday 9 November 2012

Kahlo, Riviera, the Zoo, and Wrestling

Wednesday night I went on a tour with the hostel to a place to try a local drink made of agave called Pulche; was pretty delish.  Yesterday I went to Frieda Kahlo's house in Couyacan, saw the Grand Palace which has Diego Riviera's murals on the walls-- they were so impressive!  There was also an art gallery in there which showcased all of Mexico's prominent artists and told the history of Mexico, especially the revolution, through art.  Was going to go to the canals today, but the guy I was gonna go with got sick, so instead I'm going with some Austrians to the free zoo in the south of the city.  Most of the people I've met so far have been Aussies, and a few Americans, so I haven't been able to practice too much spanish yet, but a guy at the hostel invited some of us to his house party tonight, so hopefully I'll be able to chat w more locals there.  Tonight I'm heading to "Lucha Libre" the Mexican wrestling, so that should be jokes/fun.  This city is so huge! 27 million people, so there's sooo much to do here!

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