Wednesday 21 November 2012

Oaxaca City (cont'd)

Thursday I met up with Sam again for breakfast in the market.  Zsuzsa had told us about this delicious corn and chocolate drink, but we had forgotten the name of it, and ordered the wrong was this kind of sweet, starchy watery beverage that we each had about 3 sips of before calling it quits haha.  We had some delicious tamales, and then found out the actual drink was called champurrado and ordered that.  If you ever have a chance to try it, I would definitely recommend.  Then we wandered about the city for a bit and saw a few churches and gardens and then went to this massive ex-convent which has been converted into a historical Museum.
Both the architecture and the content of the museum were really interesting.  There were like 3 courtytards, and if I could have lived there, I may have decided to be a nun back in the day.
After this, we went to this really cool tapas bar/microbrewery.  We had already eaten a pretty lack-lustre meal (should the fact that the restaurant had been empty have been a sign?), so we didn't try the food, but the beers were really yum.  I tried a mango beer, and Sam had a red ale called Catalina, which had a really cool Day of the Dead label.

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