Tuesday 19 June 2018

Day 22: Hartland — Fredericton

From the famous covered bridge town, I headed to Fredericton today. Although here was a route that went all along the river, it was going to be about 20 km more than cutting inland. So I did that, and then later found out that the route I took was at the edge of the Appalachians. So that would explain why it was so hilly. Also, the first country highway I was on was so terrible, going downhill I felt like I was in one of those video games where the screen scrolls and you have to steer to avoid obstacles and get coins. Except my stakes were a little higher, as if I hit any of those massive potholes while travelling at 35 + km/hr, I would either go flying or kill my last tube. 

I was so bored, just passing through farmlands with nothing distinctive or interesting to look at. It seems like in rural NB, all you need is a church and maybe 5 farmhouses to be considered a town. 

I stopped in a small town about 30 km from Fredericton and sat at a gas station picnic bench to make a sandwich, and a bunch of the locals came by to say hi and ask about my ride. Everyone here is super friendly, but it doesn’t make up for how dull the province is. Also, there’s a lot of casual sexism, that’s kinda hard to call people out on when they’re trying to be friendly. Like, “what’s a young lady like yourself doing travelling all alone?” or “Oh wow, you’re so brave...I wouldn’t let me daughter go on a trip all by herself like that.”  Ugh. 

Once I got to Fredericton, googlemaps routed me horribly through the city, but finally I arrived at my WarmShowers hosts’ place. Tracy and Michel were still at work, but they had told me that someone would be there to let me in. Tracy’s mother was there with their kids, but Tracy had forgotten to mention to her mother that I’d be coming by. So that led to a bit of confusion. But once we sorted it out, I set up my tent in their backyard and took a shower.

I figured I should stock up on some supplies while in a city, so I headed downtown to a bike shop to get a couple spare tubes. Hopefully these will last me til the end of my trip. Once I got back to the house, I had dinner with the family, and did laundry (which I hadn’t don’t since Quebec City!). I figured I’d just have a chill night tonight and then go explore the city a bit more tomorrow before heading out. Tracy is originally from Oakville, and she told me that when she first moved here, she thought she’d go for a run to explore the city. 2 hours later she had seen it all. So I don’t think it’ll take me too long to check it out in the morning. 

Total distance: 101 km
Total elevation: 778 m

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