Friday 22 June 2018

Day 25: Alma — Moncton

Today marks halfway through my trip!

When I woke up in Fundy this morning, I went for a walk around the campground and went by Lisa's site, the woman I had met the night before.  She was there with her husband and parents, and they invited me to join them for breakfast.  They were all super lovely, and interested in my trip. Lisa and her husband live just north of Montreal in the Laurentians, with hiking trails practically in their backyard, which sounds awesome.  Her parents had taken a camper for a little tour already, so her and her husband had come to meet them at Fundy and then take the camper on their own adventure for a couple weeks. We ended up chatting all morning, and it was really nice to have a chill morning after how stressful yesterday was.  The whole family was so warm and welcoming and was even trying to ply me with food as I left to take on my trip!

Once I left the campground, I headed back down to Alma to get some of the famous sticky buns before heading off.  I had two options to get to the Hopewell rocks, the scenic route or the more direct route.  I had heard that the scenic route was way more hilly, so I started on the direct route to skip the biggest hill and then cut back down to the scenic road.  For a bit the view of the bay was beautiful, but pretty soon afterwards, all I had views of were the trees, so it didn't really seem all that more picturesque than the main road.  Also, the main road had way better quality roads.

I stopped at the Hopewell Rocks for lunch.  They're these rock formations that have been eroded from where the the tide comes up.  I was there when the tide was out, so you could walk on the ocean floor up to them, where they tower above you.  When the tide is up, they look like floating islands with trees on them.  They were pretty cool to see, and just as I was leaving the tide was coming up which happened really quickly.

After the Hopewell rocks, I carried onto Moncton, which was also sooo hilly!  By the time I got to Moncton, my legs were shot.  I was staying with a WarmShower's host, Mathieu, who is originally from Quebec, but moved to Moncton for a job with Radio-Canada.  He had beer and burgers for me when I arrived which was so nice after all those climbs.  He actually did a bike trip from Vermont to Florida with a photojournalist to cover the last presidential election—I couldn’t imagine biking with all the extra weight of photography gear and computers! But it sounded like a really cool trip. It was really nice to chat with him in the evening, and he gave me some tips on things to check out on Moncton for tomorrow. 

Total distance: 96 km
Total elevation: 1,071 m

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