Tuesday 26 June 2018

Day 29: Charlottetown — Stanhope Beach

The rain stopped and today was beautiful. I picked up my bike from the shop, came back and got all my stuff from the Airbnb and then headed downtown. I went down by the harbour and got some of the famous Cows ice cream, and it was soooo delicious. Then I checked out the Confederation Landing which is a park right on the water. There were a ton of plaques and boards detailing the Charlottetown Conference (and how the circus was in town at the same time, so no one cared about the politicians), and how the provincial leaders decided to unify (a lot of booze was involved).

After this, I met up with Nathan and some of his friends (and his adorable daughter) at the yacht club, and we went out for a sail! It was so nice to be out on the water, and to see the coastline and cityscape from the bay. After we got back, we went to another boat (the running joke is that between all their sailing friends, they’ve got too many boats and not enough people to crew them), and hung out in the sun in the harbour for a bit. All of Nathan’s friends were so lovely, and it felt great to chill out in the sun on the water with a couple beers. 

But hanging out on the water in the sun, it’s easy to lose track time. I looked at my phone, and suddenly it was almost 6! I was planning on heading upto the north side of the island to sleep, so I figured I better get going. From Charlottetown upto Brackley Beach was a super easy ride straight up. Sarah had recommended I go to Brackley Beach, and once I got there I could see why. It’s part of the National Park, and the views from the beach are stunning. Like in the other section of the National Park, they have a separated bike lane that runs along the water here with periodic lookouts and access points to the beach.

A little east of there was Richard’s, which I had been told by multiple people is the best fish and chips on the island. I was hoping to have dinner there, but it was closed by the time I got there. There was a stand next door though that was open, so I got some fish and chips from there, and it was pretty decent. You could see all the fishing boats directly across from all the food stands, so you know the fish is fresh. I took my food down by the water, where the low sun was making some incredible light.

After dinner, I continued on the Gulf Shore Parkway for a bit, passing a lighthouse, which looked great with the sun setting behind it. Finally I went down to the beach to watch the end of the sunset, and it was so beautiful. PEI just keeps on impressing me!

Total distance: 33 km
Total elevation: 201 m

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