Wednesday 6 June 2018

Days 8&9: Montreal

It was really nice to take a couple days rest in Montreal. My knee has been bothering me and Ryan studied exercise science, so he had a look at it and told me to ice it and give it a rest (which is really hard when Montreal is such a walkable city!)

Tuesday morning I took my bike into the shop. The guy was super friendly, but told me that they were booked solid for a week. After hearing I was on tour, he offered to work on my bike after his shift was over on Wednesday for a bit of overtime pay, which I really appreciated. He pretty much had to drill out the screw from the inside to get it out without damaging the frame, which he said couldn’t be done quickly since it was so precise. While I was there, I also asked him about my tires, as my cousin had suggested I look into Kevlar tires. The guy ended up selling me this puncture-resistant tape that you put in between  your tubes and tires that only cost $20 (as opposed to brand new tires). So hopefully no more flats!

Tuesday was Ryan’s birthday, so I met up with him, his mom, and Emily for dinner and then we went back to their place and hung out for a bit after. 

Wednesday I ended up seeing an old friend at the bar he works at, and his boss has done a bunch of cycle tours, so he came over to talk to me about my trip and to give me tips on my route. He was saying the Gaspesie is super beautiful, and I shouldn’t miss it. Emily and Ryan’s roommate, Evan, was also giving me some great tips, as he has travelled a fair amount in Quebec and the maritimes. So now there’s way more places I want to go to than I have time for and I need to make some decisions. 

My last 3 days of cycling have ended with me and my bike in a car to get to my final destination, but I’m hoping tomorrow will mark the end of that pattern. 

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